Packaging sees its entry into human life to preserve items from deterioration. Over the centuries, what were initially rudimentary tools and basic containers have evolved as a result of the transformations in human needs and types of consumption.

Today, in an era characterized by a vast international distribution and retail network, packaging must not only ensure the protection of goods during transport but also attract new consumers towards the purchase of a particular brand. This also has implications for packaging machineries’ manufacturers, who will have to evolve to find practical and efficient solutions.


No wonder why packaging, in the modern meaning of the term, emerges with the advent of the Industrial Revolution and the consequent mass production, which required new ways to protect and differentiate the product from competitors’ brands. Nevertheless, its peak development was experienced with the spread of supermarkets and large mass-market outlets, typical of the 1950s consumer society. Thus, in a context characterized by mass selling, making one’s brand attractive and recognizable among the shelves becomes an increasingly unavoidable necessity.

Alongside the classic functional needs of product protection, space reduction in the storage phase, and the reduction of production and transportation costs, the design in the packaging of a product begins to acquire a new functional value.

In fact, statistics still recognize that more than half of consumers are motivated to buy a product of a particular brand rather than the one of a competitor due to the attractiveness and appearance of its packaging.

Source: Westrock, 2018 Packaging Matters

Packaging becomes a fully-fledged information and promotional tool, and thus part of the product itself. The new design and promotional elements should not, in any case, separate from the primary need for protection and economic return.


The most significant indicators of consumer satisfaction continue to be packaging functionality and product safety.

75% of consumers state that their purchase decision is drastically impacted by secure packaging options. This attention towards protection has increased in the last decade, with a peak in 2020, due to the exponential use of e-commerce platforms and, more in general, the online shopping.

In particular, there has been a notable increase in the purchase of home products, with a survey conducted by the Better Sleep Council revealing that bedroom and sleep accessories top the list of consumers choices.

In light of this evidence, major retailers have requested manufacturers of packaging machineries to develop innovative and reliable solutions for these products. Particularly because bed and sleep accessories such as cushions, pillows and quilts, despite being fairly light, are also incredibly easy to damage by damp, scuffs and excessive crushing.

Therefore, the type of material used must be carefully taken into account in the evaluation of safe packaging solutions.

Among plastic options, the multilayered one represents maximum protection for bedding products. Its central layer serves as a barrier to avoid the passage of oxygen, but can also provide a barrier against dust, dirt and moisture.

While plastics may not be an eco-friendly choice, packaging machinery manufacturers are working alongside industry experts to design solutions using recycled, paper and bioplastic materials.


A strong and protective packaging does not necessarily imply it to be heavy and bulky. The new frontiers of packaging aim to minimize material waste for sustainability and to reduce the space needed for storage and transport, thereby cutting costs. Moreover, reducing material waste not only reduce packaging costs, but it also lowers disposal expenses.

In the field of bedding, the most sought-after solutions are flat and rolled packaging.

Rolled products can reduce their original volume by more than 50%, a value that grows with regard to flat packaging, facilitating transport and storage as they allow to load more products for pallets and containers, thereby reducing the total number of shipments needed and the related costs.

It follows that both flat and rolled packaging offer significant advantages in terms of space optimization, reduced transport costs, and improved product protection. The choice between the two often depends on the type of product and the specific logistic needs. By adopting the right solution, companies can improve the efficiency of their supply chain and increase customer satisfaction.


Despite being the final step of the production process, packaging holds no lesser importance than any other stage. In fact, it is a critical phase that demands careful consideration, particularly when it comes to achieving cost reduction. Recognizing this, Brighi has spent years studying to develop machines that deliver cost-effective results, including options for creating both flat packs and roll packs, as well as the capability to stack multiple products within the same bag, optimizing space and material usage.

“We realize that there are many elements involved in the search for innovative solutions” states Alessio Brighi, Business Development Manager of Brighi. “That’s why our company continuously updates its packaging knowledge, studying products that enhance cost savings and protection while ensuring an appealing final result”.

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